Other Services

1.Direct importing.

We have done direct importing for over 25 years with many long- term relationships. Ask us to quote your existing purchases with a direct import option. You might be surprised to learn the cost advantages that were once only the benefit of global companies.  Photo of items to follow.


2.Sourcing locally.

Looking for a local option for an existing product stream? Give us an opportunity to find you a solution. A recent example is a locally molded pitcher versus an imported option. Local supply turned out to be more reliable, timely and price equivalent (when factoring transport) to the import option. Let us do a cost benefit analysis for you. Use Sleeman pitcher picture. To be provided.


3.Blue Ocean Innovation.

 Looking for a product or concept that does not exist? Are you interested in stepping into an original idea or product that you can retain and build an exclusive brand equity? Let’s talk. We are working on proprietary and patents applications from Can Coolers, Low cost decorated pitchers and environmentally friendly plant based closed cell foam which serve as neoprene substitutes. Blue ocean require a bigger short term commitment, but have a better long term pay off. We are always looking for long term partnerships.

